Department of Resources Management (K-102)


Pedagogical Orientation:

 The department develops its educational activities within the State Defence Economics study branch which forms one of the two pillars of the Economics and Management study programme. The department guarantees economic subjects in full-time, part-time and distance study both in general and State Defence Economics branch curriculum. In the bachelor’s and master’s degree study the department guarantees the Quality Management module with the emphasis on economical and functional exploiting of public sources in armed forces conditions.

With the regards to the faculty nature, the department also guarantees the study branch State Defence Economics in the doctoral study programme. This study programme includes the Theory of State Defence Economics and Armed Forces Economics.

 The Theory of State Defence Economics concentrates on the study of microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects and the relation between economics and defence from the point of view of national and international security needs. The main emphasis is laid on the whole process of the economic provision of defence and its macroeconomic connections.