Department of Logistics

Practical demonstration of the warehouses at the 22nd Helicopter Air Base

26 April 2023 was full of practical demonstrations prepared for students of military logistics and military transport by members of the 22nd Helicopter Air Base. Students visited the fuel storage depot, ration storage depots, multi-storage depot and finally the aviation equipment repair hangar.

The first place the students had the opportunity to visit was the PHM storage. Here they were introduced to the various functions of the PHM storage depot, in particular the method of receiving material, its storage, including the maintenance of established stocks, distribution and record keeping. They had the opportunity to see the large-capacity aviation fuel storage facility, which consists of semi-closed double-walled tanks fitted with all safety features with remote transmission of information to the central control room.

„In order to control the quality of F-34 fuel (aviation kerosene), 22. zVrL Náměšt‘ nad Oslavou has a laboratory in which control samples of all handled fuel are analysed,“ said sergeant Tomáš Raitmajer, chief of the laboratory, adding that he and his colleagues analyse more than 100 samples per month.

The students then visited the provision storage facilities where the material of asset group 1.0 is stored. These included, but were not limited to, the material stocks that ensure the execution of planned tasks for the deployment of troops to the military training area and the preparation of meals in field conditions. „Food items that are intended for food preparation and are perishable, such as meat and dairy products, are stored in refrigerated boxes. The HACCP system is used to ensure the health safety of food and meals during all activities related to production, processing, storage or handling in the area of troop catering,“ said Staff Sergeant Evžen Kudláček, who holds the position of commissary manager.

Another facility that the students of military logistics and military transport had the opportunity to visit was a multipurpose storage hall, the so-called multistore. Its capacity was designed to accommodate not only the base’s existing inventory, such as aviation supplies, construction and housing materials, but also spare parts and materials for the new H-1 helicopter platform. Construction of the modern multi-warehouse began in the fall of 2019 and took 36 months. „The multi-storage facility enables the storage of entrusted material in appropriate conditions according to technical parameters and characteristics. The corridors and rooms are secured by an electronic security system as it is a regime site.“ said Staff Sergeant Marek Šebesta, who gave the students a tour of the multi-store. He further said, „In order to store and handle the containers, the multisparehouse was connected to the existing road of the airport premises and also to the railway siding. Thanks to an external ramp, materials can then be loaded directly from the wagons.“

After practical demonstrations in the field of logistics, students had the opportunity to visit the aviation repair hangar, where they saw both types of Mi-171 and Mi-24/35 helicopters. Detailed explanation of the aviation equipment was provided by Warrant Officer Ales Polasek. At the end of the day there was a photo session with the Mi-24/35 helicopter.

Our thanks for making the practical demonstrations possible for the students of the University of Defence go not only to the command of the 22nd ZVrl, but especially to all the officers who participated in the organisation of the practical demonstrations.

Author: Lt. Pavla Davidová and mjr. Hana Malachová