Department of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities is a professional institution, which is involved in research projects and tasks in the framework of scientific and research activities at the Faculty of Military Leadership, in accordance with the requirements and the needs of the Army of the Czech Republic.

Currently, the main effort was directed towards the realization of the long-term intention of development of the organization, „Conduct of land operations“. The subject of the examination of the long-term intention of development of the organisation are the key social skills of military personnel of the Army of the Czech Republic, which are necessary for the effective leadership of subordinates  soldiers in the conditions of contemporary military practices.

The main objective of the project:

The main objective of the long-term intention is to identify and validate the measurement tools and the development of social skills of a soldier to the leadership and to build a special workplace „development center“ primarily aimed at the systematic examination of potential future commanders personality of The Army of the Czech Republic for the role of commander-leader and the development of this potential.

The partial objectives of the project:

To design and define the key competences, pointing to successful leadership in the Army of the Czech Republic. Identify the relevant dimension and measurable indicators for each of the competencies.

Propose and validate tools for the measurement of selected properties, abilities and skills, which the individual meets the defined core competencies. Choose and describe the real situation from the training and everyday life of the units and on this basis to create scenarios in an experimental environment to measure individual competencies. To build a special laboratory with the use of a standardized diagnostic SW. The skills acquired in the course of solving model situations to validate when training.

To measure the characteristics, skills and competences contained in key social competencies of future and current commanders of the army of the Czech Republic. To process and analyze the data. Identify the main problems and deficiencies in the key competencies and suggest how to remove them.

Create competency models for leadership in the area of soft skills for the selected command positions (squad, platoon, company) and a methodology for the development of key competences.

Department of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities is a co-organizer and a guarantor of the annual International Conference – Colloquium on the Management of the Educational Process.